Blog: Experimenting with Tiny Troupe to create LLM Personas
Tiny Troupe is a newly released Python library that can simulate people with specific personalities, powered by LLMs. Released by Microsoft, it is useful in understanding human behaviour by simulating artificial agents called ‘Tiny Persons’ who can interact with each other in a ‘Tiny World’ environment. It can be used to investigate human response in various scenarios not limited to evaluating digital ads, software testing, creating synthetic data, project management or brainstorming. As someone interested in human behavior—why people make certain choices or react in specific ways—I was particularly drawn to exploring how TinyTroupe could provide insights into decision-making and dialogue dynamics. I was also curious to test Godwin’s Law, which states: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” Using TinyTroupe, I started simulating various scenarios to better understand how personas would react in polarising discuss...